Thursday 3 April 2008

8 Reasons to visit Busan

Why 8 you ask? Probably it's auspicious or people here in has caught on the 發發發 trend of commercialisation. Various districts in Busan has came up with poetry like phrases to describe the best 8 scenery of their respective districts, while Busan city itself is going for product differentiation but still maintain the lucky number 8. Suyeong, Haeundae, Geumjeong, Dadae (in Saha) and Sasang has their own list. You can see some explanation here, or you can click on the links I added. Note that Suyeong website seems to miss out one in the explanation.

So here is the list I compiled for quick reference. Since I'm not good at translating poetic text, I keep it as it is, but I added Hanja for those of you like me who prefer Hanja for understanding.

부산팔대 釜山八臺
해운대 海雲臺
신선대 神仙臺
의상대 義湘臺
강선대 降仙臺
겸효대 謙孝臺
오륜대 五輪臺
몰운대 沒雲臺
태종대 太宗臺

사상팔경 沙上八景
구덕조무 九德朝霧
원포귀범 遠浦歸帆
평사낙안 平沙落雁
칠월해화 七月蟹火
팔월노화 八月蘆花
서산낙조 西山落照
운수모종 雲水暮鐘
금정명월 金井明月

수영팔경 水營八景
운대귀범 雲臺歸帆
봉대월출 烽臺月出
진두어화 津頭漁火
남장낙안 南場落雁
장산낙조 長山落照
백산만취 白山晩翠
재송직화 裁松織火
연산모종 蓮山暮鐘

금정팔경 金井八景
의상망해 義相望海
청련야우 靑蓮夜雨
대성은수 大聖隱水
어산노송 魚山老松
내원모종 內院暮鍾
계명추월 鷄鳴秋月
고당귀운 高幢歸雲
금강만풍 金剛晩楓

해운팔경 海雲八景
해운대상 海雲臺上
오륙귀범 五六歸帆
양운폭포 養雲瀑布
구남온천 龜南溫泉
봉대점화 烽臺點火
우산낙조 牛山落照
장지유수 萇旨流水
춘천약어 春川躍魚

다대팔경 多大八景
아미완월 蛾眉翫月
몰운관해 沒雲觀海
야망어창 夜望漁唱
화손낙조 花孫落照
두송만취 頭松晩翠
남림숙하 南林宿霞
팔봉반조 八峰返照
삼도귀범 三島歸帆

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