Wednesday 20 February 2008

Pre-Departure Introduction

Cheong Wa Dae 청와대 靑瓦臺

After a hiatus for so long, it is time for me to give my blog a fresh start, starting with a new name and also new content. What the heck is 身土不二? It is actually a Korean four character idiom, or 사자성어 (四字成語). And in case you are wondering, no, there is no such idiom in Chinese, only in Korean. According to Korea most popular website Naver, 신토불이(身土不二) The domestic farm products are the best. I guess such expression is made famous by National Agricultural Cooperative Federation aka NongHyup (농업협동조합 農業協同組合 aka 농협 農協), since it is their slogan. Probably that explains why Korean prefers Korean goods.

I'm going to Korea again this year to pursue my master degree. So before arriving in Korea, there are so many things to settle. This has started since October 2007 when I first saw the announcement at MMU's bulletin board. Since then it is a constant running around from university, embassy, income tax department, immigration department, post office, bank and so on. I really need to thank Horng Jau for his help in getting documents and entertaining me while I'm in campus. Guess I owe him big time. So, for anyone like me who was still working while going through it, my advice is to buffer extra time and gather as many information as possible.

Before I leave, I will do a quick recap on my previous Korea trip, and provide some information about the place I'm going to study. Here is some information on the city I'm going, Busan. Picture above shown the Busan Station, the main train station and the terminal for high speed KTX train from Seoul. Busan is a southern port city of Korea. It was featured on the Amazing Race Asia Season 2 lately, in which one of the pit stop is at Beomeosa Temple. Since you get better photographs of the tourist attraction on the net, I will provide something else instead for you to see.

Beomeosa Ticket

There is a separate old Buddhist painting gallery near to the entrance of Beomeosa, which I think is a tourist trap. You need to pay separately to view the gallery. Since no photograph taking was allowed within the gallery, the best I can show you, is the ticket with some explanation.

Another place which I think worthwhile going is Taejongdae, which is at the south of Yeongdo, south of mainland Busan. Entrance to Taejongdae is free, but if walking is not your thing, you can take a ride.

Taejongdae Ride Ticket

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