Sunday, 31 January 2010

Busan Subway

I'm not sure anyone notice this, but Busan Subway announcement within the train and on the platform are actually available for download from the 부산교통공사 website. Announcement of next approaching station and approaching train are available, as well as some of the previous versions of announcement are available for download. One particular cool thing that I found available in Busan subway is the available of four languages announcement :

한국어 : 지금 장산, 장산행 열차가 들어오고 있습니다. 고객 여러분께서는 한 걸음 물러서 주시기 바랍니다.
English : The train for Jangsan, Jangsan is now arriving.
日本語 : 萇山, 萇山行きの電車が参ります。
中文 : 开往장산, 장산方向的列车马上就要进站了。

Do check out more of these announcements MP3 or WAV file download and also the statistics for passenger ridership of each line and stations are available.


lastangel2411 said...

hahaha this is so cool.

can put as ringing/message tone :p

anjastea said...

Since long time I was wondering about those announcement hehehe..however, can you show me where is the exact place to download the audio file. I visited the website but i could not find where to download...please...:)

heeyuan said...

Just click on the link in my post. That will point you straight to the information board. The files are available there.

anjastea said...

Thanks for the link, finally I also could find it in youtube..^^ I have a very good memory in this subway. Can you write the korean completely, especially the sentence after Chinese announcement. It sounds "Iyogeun..."...Thanks a lot. The youtube link:

heeyuan said...

The version made available from your Youtube link is actually the older announcement, where it was still reminding people to walk on the left, while the newer or current announcement (in line with current practice in Korea) is to remind people to walk on the right. But I will use your Youtube video as the reference instead.

Also, the doors are closing announcement has somehow changed, probably due to incorrect context and grammatical point as highlighted by commenter in Busan subway customer feedback.

이 역은 승강장과 열차 사이의 간격이 넓으므로 열차를 타고 내리실 때 조심하시기 바랍니다.

내리실 승객이 모두 하차한 후 승차하시고, 계단 이용 시에는 좌측통행을 생활화 합시다.

출입문을 닫겠습니다. 열차가 곧 출발하겠습니다.

That is how far that I can understand with my current Korean ability. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

anjastea said...

woow...It's just awesome...great thanks for you. Your Korean is also good... I have been staying in Busan for 2,5 years but my korean is still zero...ㅠ.ㅠ

heeyuan said...

Glad that you like it. Hope that I can come up with more post on Busan. It does bring back memories about my two years in Busan.