If you have been watching 제빵왕 김탁구 episode 22, did you notice a letter with "unauthorised" seal? Observe the following :

The protagonist name as explained so many times in the drama is suppose to be with the character 求 and not 購, and they even highlight it with big characters as shown towards the end of episode 7 :

Although both 求 and 購 can be given as 구할 구, the latter is better to be known as 살 구. This 漢字 mistake reminds me of the writeup in Chosun Ilbo : 자격증 따려 속성 강의 매달려… 한자 2급도 '大韓民國' 제대로 못써 or you can view the Chinese version 盲考证书 韩大学生样样通样样松.
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