Here's the text if you cannot see it from the picture.
식약청제04-0118-011호 건강기능식품 본 인삼차1~2포를 한잔의 온수 또는 냉수에 넣은 후 잘 저어서 음용하십시오.
봉밀 또는 감미료를 첨가하시면 인삼의 풍미를 더욱 즐길 수 있습니다.DIRECTIONS
Put one pack or two packs of ginseng tea in a cup of cool or hot water, and drink it after beating.
Add honey or sweetner, and you can feel more peculiar taste of ginseng.飮用法
I'm not very sure of the Japanese portion, but the rest of it, there are way too many mistakes!
With my limited Korean, I can roughly tell what does the Korean portion trying to convey. Keeping it close to the original, it means : After you have put 1-2 packet of the ginseng tea into a cup of warm or cool water, stir well before drinking. If you were to add honey or sweetener, you will enjoy better taste to it.
The English portion is the most hilarious of all. Why does anyone want to beat a tea? This is not an egg, right? Sweetner is not even a word, and I would definitely not want to drink a tea with peculiar taste!!
This is how I would put it : Put one or two packs of ginseng tea into a cup of cold or hot water, and stir well before drinking. Adding honey or sweetener into the tea can enhance the flavour of the ginseng tea.
The Chinese portion, sounds ok in general, but I guess they didn't bother to proofread it again. They use a mixture of simplified and traditional Chinese, and one word in particular, 甛, is one of those variant we hardly use. I guess no one will shake the tea (搖勻), especially not for ginseng tea.
My version of the Chinese portion would be
飲用法: 將1~2袋人參茶倒入一杯溫水或冷水中,充分攪勻后才飲用。加入一些蜂蜜或甜味劑,會使人參味道更佳,口感更好。
If it is in simplified Chinese:
饮用法: 将1~2袋人参茶倒入一杯温水或冷水中,充分搅匀后才饮用。加入一些蜂蜜或甜味剂,会使人参味道更佳,口感更好。
1 comment:
they must be using google tranlation beta version to do the translation and save some cost! You shud write to them and offer ur freelace service to them uh?! hehe..
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