Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Engilsh Room

This is so funny, I saw this moments ago from the 10pm news of Arirang TV on 2 December 2009, on a segment called Jonalyn's Dream, about an English teacher who came from the Philippines. Gosh, the TV crew should edit this shot off and should inform the school about it. I'm not sure why no one in the school notice this in the first place. You can read the news report here.

Saturday, 21 November 2009


As I mentioned in previous post, there is an episode from Tantei Gakuen Q that as the R/L mix up commonly found in Japanese. This is from Episode 11, where Dan Sensei explained what is the difference between Class A and Class Q.

Sunday, 1 November 2009


Problem with R and L is a frequent mistake found in Japan or Korea. Lately, I saw this from Detective Conan Episode 547 - 犯人との二日間(一日目). Where Conan was in a shopping mall overheard about a kidnapped child and ran to the car park to look for the suspect. I remember seeing R/L problem in one of the anime episode of 探偵学園Q, where the founder explained about how the founder 団守彦 named the class with the letter Q. Then there is a scrolling word at the background showing 'Quarified'. I think you know the proper word.

Starting from this post, I will be listing Chinese cover version and the original counterpart as a closing remark.
클론 — 도시탈출
Cover : 徐懷鈺 — 妙妙妙

Thursday, 8 October 2009

Original Tune <6>

Non English songs are also a good source to import tune. Here are some songs that have made it to the Chinese song arena.

Hélène Rollès — Je m'appelle Hélène (French)
Cover : 蔡淳佳 — 依戀

Son By Four — A Puro Dolor (Spanish)
Cover : 李玟 — Baby 對不起

ВИА Гра — Стоп! Стоп! Стоп! (Russian)
Cover : 蔡依林 — Love Love Love

O-Zone — Dragonstea Din Tei (Romanian)
Cover : 郭美美 — 不怕不怕

Jean-Jacques Goldman — Comme Toi (French)
Cover : 林志炫 — 散了吧

Original Tune <5>

Another source of cover version in Chinese songs is none other than from English songs. Unlike Japanese, Korean or Thailand songs where the words are syllable based which is similar to Chinese, making new lyrics to have similar word beat; Chinese lyrics in English songs might not have the same beat. Here are some of the songs originally in English. Note that some videos do not allow embedding, click on the link for video instead for original.

Bodies Without Organs — Sunshine in the Rain
Cover : 蔡依林 — 日不落

i5 — Cinderella
Cover : S.H.E. — 半糖主義

Daniel Bedingfield — James Dean (I Wanna Know)
Cover : 羅志祥 — 精武門

Nathan Stone — Shake It Mama
Cover : 羅志祥 & 蔡依林 — 真命天子

Lene Marlin — Sitting Down Here
Cover : 林憶蓮 — 我坐在這裡

Robbie Williams — Better Man
Cover : 林憶蓮 — Better Man

The Cranberries — Dreams
Cover : 王菲 — 梦中人

Britney Spears — Everytime
Cover : S.H.E. — 別說對不起

Backstreet Boys — How Did I Fall In Love With You
Cover : S.H.E. — 遠方

Fool's Garden — Lemon Tree
Cover : 蘇慧倫 — Lemon Tree

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Original Tune <4>

Although not as popular compared to Japanese and Korean originals, Thailand is also a good source for Chinese cover version. Here are some of the songs I managed to find.

พั้นช์ — ยิ่งกว่าเสียใจ
Cover : 蔡淳佳 — 風鈴

ปาล์มมี่ — อยากร้องดังดัง
Cover : 蕭瀟 — 愛要坦蕩蕩

อัสนี–วสันต์ — ยินดีไม่มีปัญหา
Cover : 草蜢 — 寶貝對不起

ไอซ์ ศรัญยู — คนใจง่าย
Cover : 黃曉明 — My Girl

ดา เอ็นโดรฟิน — ได้ยินไหม
Cover : 金莎 — 這種愛

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Original Tune <3>

Chinese songs contain tunes imported from Korea as well, although not as many as Japanese tunes, it is a sizable import as well. Here are 10 original tunes from Korea which managed to be covered by Chinese artists.

파파야 — 내 얘길 들어봐
Cover : 王心凌 — 愛你

홍경민 — 사랑, 참...
Cover : 林峯 — 朋友,請不要傷悲

임창정 — Smile Again (하늘에서)
Cover : 張智霖 — 祝君好

거북이 — Come On
Cover : 潘瑋柏 & 張韶涵 — 快樂崇拜

DJ DOC — Run To You
Cover : 杜德偉 — 脫掉

브라운 아이즈 — 벌써일년
Cover : 許慧欣 — 愛情抗體

세븐 — 와줘
Cover : Energy — 某年某月某一天

쿨 — 아로하
Cover : 許志安 & 許慧欣 — 戀愛頻率

타샤니 — 하루하루
Cover : 張智成 — May I Love You

주주 클럽 — 나는 나
Cover : 蘇慧倫 — 鴨子

Original Tune <2>

Real significant big portion of cover versions in Chinese are via Japanese import. The following is a selection of 10 original tunes in Japanese.

織田哲郎 & 近藤房之助 — ボンバーガール
Cover : 張學友 — 愛火花

田原俊彦 — シルエットには踊れない
Cover : 郭富城 — 對你愛不完

サザンオールスターズ — 真夏の果実
Cover : 張學友 — 每天愛你多一些

米米CLUB — 愛してる
Cover : 張學友 — 還是覺得你最好

THE虎舞竜 — ロード
Cover : 孫耀威 — 愛的故事(上集)

大黒摩季 — チョット
Cover : 鄭秀文 — Chotto 等等

徳永英明 — レイニーブルー
Cover : 張學友 — 藍雨

チャゲ&飛鳥 — 男と女
Cover : 周華健 — 讓我歡喜讓我憂

尾崎豊 — I LOVE YOU
Cover : 郭富城 — 到底有誰能夠告訴我

森山直太朗 — さくら
Cover : 張善為 — 真夏的櫻花

Original Tune <1>

Wonder why all the songs you heard sound so familiar? You might know these songs in their cover version, but how many of these songs you have heard the original instead? Try listening to the original and judge for yourself how well the cover version is compared to the original version.

Infernal — Keen on Disco (Denmark)
Cover : 蔡依林 — 愛無赦

ธงไชย แมคอินไตย์ — คู่กัด (Thailand)
Cover : 草蜢 — 失戀

Patricia Kaas — Venus Des Abribus (France)
Cover : 草蜢 — 半點心

長渕剛 — とんぼ (Japan)
Cover : 小虎隊 — 紅蜻蜓

Bro'Sis — I Believe (Germany)
Cover : 羅志祥 & 徐熙娣 — 戀愛達人

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Speedy Korea

Just to be frank, I have never seen 4 digits download speed back in Malaysia. A 2-digit would be rather blessed back home, and most of the time we just pray the 0kB/s is not a permanent figure. Will I be able to attain such speed in Malaysia when I am back? I think I will get the sinister "Dream On!" comment from everyone I know. Even Korean started to ask whether it's true that Malaysia Internet speed is that bad. I'll leave it for you to debate on it. Try on the Broadband speed test or just read the statistics available in this site.

Sunday, 12 July 2009

T-money vs Mybi

One of the good news for this year is you can now use Mybi in Seoul and T-money in Busan for public transportation. But can I reload my T-money in Busan and Mybi in Seoul? Well, the answer is yes and no. Automated credit reload machines available in subways at both cities do not support reloading of the "rival" card, but there is an alternative. A quick search on Naver, there are a couple of places that allows you to reload:

Reloading Mybi credit in Seoul

GS25 본점 영등포구 문래동6가 10번지 문래[2]
GS25 문래 임광점 영등포구 문래동6가 8 임광그대가 1층상가 123호 문래[2]
프리마트 관악구 봉천동 두산아파트 208-1604 봉천[2]
팬시코아 중랑구 면목동 102-20 면목[7]
코레일네트웍스 중구 봉래동2가 122 코레일서울지사 8층 코레일네트웍스 서울역[1,4]
코레일개발 용산구 한강로3가 40-1 용산[1,중앙]
스마비스 금천구 가산동 459-11 제이플라츠 914호 가산디지털단지[1,7]
이-프랜즈 명지대점 서대문구 남가좌동 351-1 증산[6]
오거리편의점 은평구 응암동 4동 589-38 새절[6]
엘지카드 강남구 역삼동 679 LG 강남타워 역삼[2]
아이피앤씨 용산구 서계동 219-1 창성빌딩 3층 서울역[1,4]
스마트원 은평구 신사동 588-19 동남빌딩 205호 응암[6]
서울역우체국가판 중구 봉래동1가 123 서울역 우체국앞 가판 서울역[1,4]
상봉가판점 중랑구 상봉동 83-1 망우[중앙] 상봉[7]
마이비 서울사무소 영등포구 여의도동 12번지 CCMM빌딩 305B 여의나루[5] 국회의사당[9]
롯데카드주식회사 강남구 삼성동 157 삼성[2]
롯데백화점앞가판 동대문구 전농동 620-69 청량리[1,중앙]
구의3동가판점 광진구 구의3동 548-2 시민공원앞 강변[2]
교통카드충전 서초구 서초4동 1316-24 (강남역 5번출구)
가판점 도봉구 쌍문동88-24 쌍문[4]
가판점 서대문구 대현동 27-7 신촌역 이대[2]
브로스아이엔씨 구로구 구로3동 235번지 한신IT타워 1005호 구로디지털단지[2]
보광훼미리마트 강남구 삼성동 141-32 선릉[2,분당]
IB영업센 중구 을지로1가 16 을지로입구[2]

Reloading T-money credit in Busan

  1. FM남포중앙점 중구 남포동2가 24-2 남포동
  2. 오렌지데이부평점 (간판:원바이원) 중구 부평동2가 68-4 남포동
  3. 마마수퍼(역전수퍼) 동구 초량동 1207-1 부산역
  4. 미니슈퍼(부산역지하) 동구 초량3동 1206-1 부산역
  5. 25시슈퍼 동구 초량동 1198-4 부산역
  6. 논스톱진역점 부산시 동구 수정동 1-14 부산진역
  7. 노포동센타 금정구 노포동 133 노포동
  8. 미니스톱 자갈치 서구 충무동1가 12-121 자갈치
  9. 공중센타 진구 부전동 468-19 서면
  10. 훼미리마트서면동보점 진구 부전동 165-4 서면
  11. 공중센타 진구 부전2동 517-41 서면
  12. FM남구청점 남구 대연6동 1767-15 1층 대연동
  13. 포시즌슈퍼 (경성대점) 남구 대연동 54-1번지 경성대
  14. 하모니레코드 수영구 남천1동 29-16 광안리
  15. 쎄븐편의점해운대점 해운대구 중1동 1393-31 해운대
  16. 플러스할인마트 해운대구 우동 602-6 해운대
  17. 와이에이치닷컴 (맥스이벤트) 해운대구 우동 568-1 해운대
  18. 노벨안경원 동래구 사직1동 25-28번지 사직동
  19. CS25부산대점 금정구 장전동 41943 부산대

Thursday, 14 May 2009

Korea as well? - Variant Screen

Stumbled upon another variant of the site blocking which I have shown earlier. Again, pop up ads that did wonders, giving me a new variant to be discovered.

Saturday, 25 April 2009

My Little PMP

This morning started off with a super foggy skyline, damping my spirit to finish my journal paper writing (Lame excuse!). What I am happy with, however is that my little portable multimedia player was safely in my hands. Yes, I purchased a imuz MU-1000 player from the Internet on Wednesday. The delivery guy came in the middle of my Korean class on Friday, which I told him to wait while I "excused" myself and ran all the way back to my lab. The guy told me he would just leave it by the office same floor as my lab. Lucky it was still there when I returned. I guess no one is interested to know the "story behind" and would like to see the product directly. Here you go.

4.3" touch screen player is not cheap (I have paid ₩167,600 around RM450 for everything including the accessories I needed) but considering I can't afford an iPod Touch or iPhone, this could be the closest I can get. Although I was hoping to get Cowon, Samsung, iStation or even iriver, but after browsing, they are way beyond what I can afford. Let me put some more photograph on how it can be compared in term of size with some objects. Sorry for my poor photography skill and especially I'm using one of those old digital camera.

It can support quite a number of files without conversion, RMVB in particular is what I have been looking for. It also comes with FM radio receiver and so on, you can read the product specs from the product link above.

It is about similar size to RM1 bill, and thickness wise, the following picture could tell you more. The PMP is on top, while the bottom is my (technically it's my sis's) portable HDD, with my Dell Vostro 1400 next to it.

The device cannot support Vorbis Ogg and H.264, which I really hope they will soon release an update to the firmware, given that they are going to launch MX6 soon here in Korea.

Sunday, 29 March 2009

Miryang Kilometre Zero

Haha, I can't believe I'm looking for another kilometre zero all the way to Miryang. It's right outside the city hall by the walkway on the main road. If you refer the map below (you need to click the map to see in detail), notice the zebra crossing near to the entrance. If you are coming from across the road, after crossing the zebra crossing, you would see it right in front of you.

지도를 클릭하시면 위치정보를 확인하실 수 있습니다.

Friday, 6 February 2009

Kilometre Zero

I didn't know that Korea has Kilometre Zero (도로원표 道路元標) as well, until I visited Daegu (대구 大邱). Before this, I have heard of London Stone and the Kilometre Zero of Japan at 日本橋 in 東京. So, I give it a try to track down Kilometre Zero for Busan and its neighbouring city of Yangsan and Gimhae to check whether these cities have a Kilometre Zero as well.

But the marking stone might not be the actual point, as the case for Seoul, Daegu and Busan. Below the marking stone in Daegu, they stated where the actual point is, and so did Busan. At Seoul's, it is located 151m away; Daegu actual point is 215m away and located right in the middle of a main thoroughfare. Busan actual spot for Kilometer Zero is even further away, 9.74km from the marking stone.

I'm not too sure whether they have specific guideline on where to setup such marking stone, but as far as I know, they usually located near to city hall or town council. I have to remind you that near might be at some unexpected spot or unsuspecting location. There might be exception as well. Daegu's marking stone is not near to city hall but at Gyeongsang-gamyeong Park, which is the former Gyeongsang Provincial Governor’s Office. Maybe for historic reason the marking stone was placed there.

Usually for Kilometre Zero in Korea, they will provide the distance from the spot to various cities around Korea. I will provide some information on where I found the Kilometre Zero I have visited.

Yangsan 양산 梁山

Yangsan's Kilometre Zero is located at 남부동 남부사거리 front of a S-Oil petrol station, near to Yangsan's City Hall. It is on a junction between 시청로, 남부로 and 남부1길. If you refer to the map below, it is at the lower triangle traffic island. Click on the map for sky view.

지도를 클릭하시면 위치정보를 확인하실 수 있습니다.

Daegu 대구 大邱

As mentioned previously Daegu's Kilometre Zero is at Gyeongsang-gamyeong Park, in front of a post office. It is located at 중구 경상감영길, which is fairly straight forward as it is on tourist map as well.

지도를 클릭하시면 위치정보를 확인하실 수 있습니다.

Busan 부산 釜山

Busan's Kilometre Zero is located behind Busan City Hall, and if you walk pass the car park, you will see a park with a lighthouse. As you walk from the car park, you will see it as it is right in the middle of the path from the car park to the light house.

지도를 클릭하시면 위치정보를 확인하실 수 있습니다.

Gimhae 김해 金海

I've been to Gimhae twice just to locate Kilometre Zero. Only on the second attempt I managed to find it. Gimhae's marking stone does not have clear indication of the name of the city, just plain simple. It is located next to the guard house of vehicle registration office (차량등록사무소 車輛登錄事務所), by the crossroad of Gimhae City Hall. If you refer to the map below, it is at 시청사거리.

지도를 클릭하시면 위치정보를 확인하실 수 있습니다.

Sunday, 11 January 2009

Korea as well?

Wow, didn't know that Korea has something similar, which I saw in Abu Dhabi. Actually, it was from some ads banner that causes this. The wording used in Korea version sounds more serious than those in UAE. It stated that illegal information (or site) was intercepted. Again, when in Korea, do as the Koreans do. But I think for foreigner not familiar with Korean language might have a problem understanding it. Probably KCSC can provide dual language just like how UAE has done. It is better to get the message clear than to keep people wondering what's happening.

Wednesday, 7 January 2009


Japanese are really good at creating a catchy campaign. What campaign you wonder? It's tofu campaign. It comes with a catchy song by KAME & L.N.K. named I Love Tofu. Check out the original Japanese website, or you can check out the Taiwanese website, since they have made inroads to Taiwan.

Here's the original Japanese lyrics:
太陽と大地の力 ギュッと一杯詰まった豆から
生まれたトウフ食べれば 全身に元気みなぎって Yeah!
春夏秋冬おいしくいただけま〜す 安心安全いただきま〜す
みんな大好きトウフでeveryday 健やかスマイル good day

デザート、おつまみ、ごはんの友 メインディッシュまで何でも
まかせてメニューも星の数 毎日のオカズでも飽き足らず
値段もお手頃家計の味方 マメでマネ〜貯まるありがとう
おトウフは兄弟も一杯賑やか 厚揚げ、豆乳、おから
揃いも揃って栄養満点 トウフ兄弟100点満点
さらにお豆がトウフになるまで 無駄が殆んど無い!ご存知で?!
全部丸ごと大地の愛 トウフ食べてみんなでエコライフ

アメリカ、ヨーロッパ行ってもTOFU 「This is TOFU」で通じる
インターナショナル万能食材 さあその豆知識ご紹介
原料は別名「畑の牛肉」 タンパク質豊富の大豆
タンパク質と言っても植物性 体の応援団結成!
植物性だけにヘルC〜 ダイエットに最高うれC〜
コレステロール低下、体内正常化 成人病予防に効果絶大
さらにビタミンEにより お肌活々若返り〜
美容に健康に元気の具 トウフ食べて体調バッチGood!

トウフを食べれば 良い事一杯なのに
なぜかな?なぜだろう?? いつも脇役っぽい

And here is the Chinese translation:
诞生出来的豆腐 吃了就会全身充满活力Yeah!
春夏秋冬都能吃得喔伊系~ 安心安全吃得喔伊系~
大家都爱吃豆腐everyday 身心健康笑脸常开good day

做成凉拌豆腐、汤豆腐、火锅 还有豆腐排、冰淇淋、甜甜圈、蛋糕也很赞
甜点、零嘴、小菜 甚至主菜通通由豆腐包办嘛呒问题
各式各样菜单像星星一样多 每天照三餐吃也不会腻
价格实惠帮助家计 可以一点一滴存猪公~实在揪甘心
豆腐有很多兄弟姊妹超热闹 油豆腐、豆乳、还有豆腐渣
全部都营养百分百 豆腐兄弟满分100分啦
再说豆子变成豆腐为止 几乎没有一丁点浪费! 你知道吗?!
从头到脚都是大地的爱 大家来吃豆腐响应环保生活

到了美国、欧洲也是叫TOFU 「This is TOFU」嘛耶通
纵横国际的万能食材 来为大家介绍豆腐的小常识
原料的外号叫「农田的牛肉」 就是富含蛋白质的大豆
而且还是植物性蛋白质 简直就是生来当身体的拉拉队!
因为是植物性所以超安心~ 最适合减肥超开心~
降低胆固醇、体内环保化 预防成人病效果绝佳
同时拥有维他命E 让肌肤粉嫩回春~
给予美容与健康的活力泉源 吃了豆腐身体一级棒Good!

吃了豆腐 好处多得不得了
但为什么呢?原因是什么? 总是扮演配角

Go go tofu!

Tuesday, 6 January 2009

University Demystified

When everyone ask about my university, I am totally clueless, but when I ask some of my peers, they are as blank as I am. Some of us did attempt to decode what does our university slogan Top Ten & To The World is trying to convey. Perhaps it is one of the issue related to branding, which reminds me of some article published by the Korea Times a couple months ago, Korean Slogans Comical to Foreigners. Do read the whole series they covered, very interesting indeed.

Now, back to my university, there are way too many divisions, departments and other confusing and inconsistent terminology used here, making you really wonder how would you answer question posted by someone back home. Question like "What is your major?", "Which faculty are you from?" can be a multiple answer question. For us (to me at least), terms like department or division should be used in context referring to administrative department or division and not as a equivalent of faculty and major.

So, generally the mapping of term according to what I'm familiar with, would be division = faculty, department = major. Then another most common question is, what are the faculties available in my university. I did some checking, and found some fairly interesting information, and not to mention scattered and not organised, even for the Korean version. Why can't they just put such basic information into one?

Let me start off with graduation school (대학원 大學院), which has less "options"

With numerous other courses available for undergraduate and some with graduate courses, I just list down the name of faculty and college.

Except probably for the Korean name, the English name is inconsistently used. The main university website give one version, while the faculty website shows another. Terminology is also not standardised, they just jumble between faculty, department, division, school, college.... Is it that hard just to standardise it across?