Tuesday, 23 August 2005


Guess that's one of the expression that most people associate Korean with, just like Parlez-vous français? with French. Finally, after some hiccups, my Korean class has commenced. In lesson 1, my teacher, Ms Pauline (her preference of addressing), "koreanise" names into Hangeul. Mine, if following the Romanised name pronunciation, is 탄희엔. But, if using my chinese name, it would be 진기원.

Today, I would like to share this basic Hangeul table for learner just like me to use it as a tool to guide learning. For those who like the extended table, I also attached it below. Note that the extended table uses all the combination just for completeness and might not reflect the actual Hangeul use. Do notify me if you found typo in it, as I hand keyed those in.

Basic Hangeul Table

Extended Hangeul Table