Saturday, 22 January 2005


Finally, the yearbook is safe and sound with me. First thing to look for, is my little photo. To my surprise, it printed there that I'm from Subang Jaya. OMG, since when I'm from Subang Jaya? To make it clear once and for all, I'm currently risiding in Petaling Jaya, and never have been staying in Subang Jaya. Another misconception of Petaling Jaya, I'm staying in section 4, not SS4. Quite a number of people I met only think PJ address must be of SS something. Typical question someone might ask
A: Which part of PJ are you staying? B: PJ Old Town A: Section? B: 4 A: Oh, SS4, it's that near Kelana Jaya? B: Look, section 4 is not equals to SS4 A: Is that so? Then where is this section 4 that you mentioned? B: Specifically, it's on south-eastern of PJ, near to the border of KL/PJ, somewhere near Old Klang Road. A: Old Klang Road? Wow, that's quite far! B: Well, not actually....
Usually I really need to explain a lot to get them believe that such place does exist. The common way to explain it, I'll say it's near Gasing Hill. Gasing Hill is so near my place, I usually walk up to the hill. They usually get the rough idea. It helps to explain that Assunta Hospital is situated in PJ Old Town. Oh, for those who are interested to know about PJ Old Town, it's actually featured on Encyclopaedia of Malaysia and the latest issue of Heritage Asia [Focus on Selangor, Dec 2004-Feb 2005] .

Wednesday, 19 January 2005

Name change

Where's the old Info Generator? It's still here, but there's a rebranding involved. I Genner, the new brand name, but still keeping the same philosophy of providing more infos and some of my 2 cents. I have some ideas for this blog, especially on language, anime, manga, KL/Klang valley, computer related topics. I'll try to put up English posting on Mandarin for those who are puzzled with my facination with the Chinese language. One reader commented once that he would prefer the non-chinese posting, so that he can read. I hope by this way, he's happy with this. For those who are looking forward to my Mandarin posting, 别担心,我还会送上中文的文章哦!

Wednesday, 12 January 2005


2005年都到了,是时候公布答案了。以下的解答纯属参考与分享,解答准确性还没有被证实。任何用途于以下文章,本人及原本解答者一概不负责。 据朋友的解答关于轻声的问题,其实一般字句都按照原调发音的。有些字不按原调却念轻声,主要是为上下句子能够通顺、好听,就像北京人喜欢说话带儿化韵,只不过是语言和特殊语境习惯而已,不需要可以学习,不然说起话来就显得很假了。有些字念起轻声来比原调让人更感舒服,例如:舒服、聪明、麻烦,等等。 那三声“重叠字”,一般还是用[223]式的。照他这么说,演讲稿和草稿纸是念 yán jiáng gǎocáo gáo zhǐ。只有当遇到四个上声字时,才比较麻烦。看词组辨识的方法是可以运用,但不能套用。毕竟它还有词组关系,这样的解购方法会把词或词组拆得过于零散,不符合语言习惯。在这里,语法规定不一定能解决这个字句发音的问题。因为语法只能解决句式结构的问题,词组字句的结构组合是否合适,却无法解释读音。语音,在华语来说本身就是一的独立的学问。紧记的是,位于最后(词末、句末)的上声字一定不能变调,这没有什么例外的;至于是否有口诀,他本人就没听说过。 大家也想知道那句都是上声(三声)应该怎么念吧?他就这样解释。句子可以拆组成:你|给我|早点|写好|演讲稿。以词或词组为单位,尽可能不要拆得太散,但词句又要分明。“演讲稿”这类词组,结构比较严密,所以还是最好不拆开来说。但像‘你给我’这样的句式词组(其实也还构不成严格意义上的词组),就可以尽量拆开来,说起来也能轻重分明,更能起到一定的强调等语气效果。终结来说是念 nǐ géi wǒ záo diǎn xié hǎo yán jiáng gǎo。 最后他本人认为语言这东西,视乎语境、语感,尤其华语,本来就不像英语那样的语法化结构,所以更讲究的是你的认知。说起来舒服、感觉还行就可以了,反倒不需要太刻意讲究;只要能抓好句子的节奏,一般应该不会是太大的问题。 怎么样,还满意吗?往后有更多有关华语的题材可以与大家分享。敬请留意!任何意见不妨写给我吧!